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Adaptation of the Wine Industry to environmental issues : Innovations and Research
Adaptation of the Wine Industry to environmental issues : Innovations and Research
Plateforme GreffAdapt 2021.
Vers des systèmes viti-vinicoles intégrés et résilients pour faire face au changement climatique.
An integrated approach to understand the contribution of leaf shedding in tree responses to drought.
Understanding of the underlying physiological mechanisms of grapevine plant production in nurseries, to improve their quality and the longevity in vineyards.
Plant breeding, germplasm evaluation and early selection technics for rootstocks.
Genetic determinism and mechanisms of the resistance of Muscadine to the nematode Xiphinema index, vector of GFLV, for the creation of grapevine rootstock.
  • 1 (current)

Modification date: 14 August 2023 | Publication date: 26 June 2017 | By: egfv