Understanding of the underlying physiological mechanisms of grapevine plant production in nurseries, to improve their quality and the longevity in vineyards.

Funding: France AgriMer / CNIV
Period: November 2017 > April 2021 (42 mo)
Contact EGFV: Nathalie OLLAT

Abstract: The aim of ORIGINE project is to propose elements of scientific and applied knowledge to improve the quality of vine plants and the rate of resumption of grafting. Its ambition is to propose indicators to evaluate the quality of plant material in the broad sense, and to identify ways to improve plant production processes and planting methods to ensure sustainable vineyard productivity. Finally, it aims to ensure the transfer of information between the various actors in the sector, to support  their training, as well as to raise the level of expertise for this key stage of wine production. The priority themes addressed in this application are: the link between carbon and nitrogen reserves and success in grafting and planting, the definition of tools for studying and modeling plant root development, the development of methods of studying vascular connections at the grafting point, the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the decline of the young plant and the setting up of experiments on the production of the plants and their planting.

Modification date: 14 August 2023 | Publication date: 27 June 2017 | By: egfv