Quantification of vineyard dieback on a global scale: identification of biotic and abiotic mechanisms

Funding: FranceAgriMer / CNIV
Partnership: BIOGECO Bordeaux, LEPSE Montpellier, CBMN Bordeaux
Period: Jan. 2021 > Dec. 2024 (4 years)
Contact EGFV: Gregory Gambetta
Coordinator: Chloé DELMAS (SAVE Bordeaux)


Project ESCAPADE aims to quantify vineyard dieback on an international scale by setting up a database that synthesizes global observations of decreases in yield, vine mortality, and the associated risk factors. This database will allow us to test correlations between various factors (e.g. climatic variables, the water status of the vines, etc.) and the occurrences of diseases. Furthermore, following the demonstration of vascular occlusions associated with foliar symptoms of esca (results from the PHYSIOPATH project) project ESCAPADE will build on this work to characterize the physiological mechanisms at the origin of these occlusions. A comprehensive approach to vine dieback is essential in order to better understand this phenomenon and devise practical solutions for the profession.

Modification date: 14 August 2023 | Publication date: 01 March 2023 | By: egfv