Maître de Conférences - Bordeaux Sciences Agro


Domaine de recherche

Porte-greffes, Architecture des caractères complexes liés à l'adaptation au déficit hydrique, Interactions GxE, Plasticité des réponses aux variations des conditions environnementales

Publications récentes

  • Tandonnet JP, Marguerit E, Cookson SJ, Ollat N (2018) Genetic architecture of aerial and root traits in field-grown grafted grapevines is largely independent. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, in press.
  • Ollat N, Cookson SJ, Lauvergeat V, Marguerit E, Barrieu F, Gambetta GA, Goutouly JP, Tandonnet JP, Vivin P, Delrot S (2017) Grapevine roots: the dark side. Acta Horticulturae 1188, 213-226.
  • Simonneau T, Lebon E, Coupel-Ledru A, Marguerit E, Rossdeutsch L, Ollat N (2017) Adapting plant material to face water stress in vineyards: which physiological targets for an optimal control of plant water status? Oeno One 51, 167-179.
  • Ollat N, Bordenave L, Tandonnet JP, Boursiquot JM, Marguerit E (2016) Grapevine rootstocks: origins and perspectives. Acta Horticulturae 1136, 11-22.
  • Plomion C, Bartholomé J, Bouffier L, Brendel O, Cochard H, de Miguel M, Delzon S, Gion J-M, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Guehl J-M, Lagraulet H, Le Provost G, Marguerit E, Porté A (2016) Understanding the genetic bases of adaptation to soil water deficit in trees through the examination of water use efficiency and cavitation resistance: maritime pine as a case study. Journal of Plant Hydraulics 3, 008.
  • Zhang L, Marguerit E, Rossdeutsch L, Ollat N, Gambetta GA (2016) The influence of grapevine rootstocks on scion growth and drought resistance. Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology 28, 143-157.
  • Marguerit E, Bouffier L, Chancerel E, Costa P, Lagane F, Guehl JM, Plomion C, Brendel O (2014) The genetics of water-use efficiency and its relation to growth in maritime pine. Journal of Experimental Botany 65, 4757-4768.
  • Marguerit E, Brendel O, Lebon E, van Leeuwen C, Ollat N (2012) Rootstock control of scion transpiration and its acclimation to water deficit are controlled by different genes. New Phytologist 194, 416-429.

Modification date: 19 December 2023 | Publication date: 13 November 2008 | By: pv